4 trends in 2024 for Human Resources
In the past few years, HR has held its ground admirably. Amidst incredible global unrest, starting with a pandemic and the widespread shift to remote work, followed by economic and political chaos, HR has been forging the path of transformation. The challenge is significant. There is a multitude of things that can be addressed, but time and resources are scarce. Additionally, the AI train brings both opportunities and pitfalls. Now is the time to make clear choices. With the trends below, you can prepare yourself for an impactful year!
Harnessing AI as an HR specialist
In the coming year, HR teams will need to continue considering how to further automate manual work in their processes with AI. Organizations that do not hop on the AI train (or slam on the brakes) will quickly fall behind in 2024. AI is already being used for talent management and offers numerous possibilities in increasingly innovative recruitment processes. With a tight labor market, organizations must broaden their perspective on how to attract people. The use of analytics and other digital tools to gain insights into individuals is becoming increasingly important. This does not mean that HR should hastily spend budgets to build their own AI solutions; on the contrary.
It is mainly about experimenting with AI enhancements that can be introduced into existing technology. For example, an AI-driven platform for employee experience, such as an LXP. This is an effective way for HR to seize the opportunity to turn the AI explosion into a positive employee experience and ensure employee retention.
"60% of employees indicate noticing changes in the role of HR, including a more human-centered and strategic role." Prediction for 2030 - Sage

Navigating Between Operational and Strategic Success
How operational or strategic is HR in your organization? What kind of (management) teams exist, and what is on the agenda? In many organizations, HR is still predominantly operational. It may not be deeply ingrained in the culture to think strategically and formulate policies aligned with organizational goals. Sometimes there is a strategy team, but even then, the daily grind can pull individuals into an operational mode. It's also challenging when there is no clear focus or direction from the organization. Therefore, there is a significant task for HR in the coming year.
The Role of HR: Putting Employees at the Center
In 2024, a trend is expected where policies become more individualized. This approach is more based on the life cycle of employees and performance rather than a general, organization-wide approach. Concrete examples include employment contracts and methods of rewarding.
Contracts are becoming more flexible. Viewing a four-day workweek as full-time is increasingly supported by scientific research as a good solution to current societal challenges. In the present time, merely "putting in hours" does not necessarily lead to higher efficiency. This shift makes organizations rethink how they value and reward their employees. More and more, this is based on the added value of the individual compared to the whole, rather than on hours worked. This people-centric approach further manifests in collaboration, a focal point for HR in the coming year.
HR in the Organization
The strategic role of HR is crucial, but that doesn't mean it happens solely from a distance. Bringing together IT, L&D, HR, and other human-focused departments will be necessary to develop a shared strategy. This requires a lot of dedication and visibility, especially at the team level. The shared strategy should revolve around maximizing the value of valuable tools. Acquiring tools with minimal impact in an already inflated digital landscape should be further limited.
Curious about what Rakoo can do for you as an HR specialist? Contact us!
The six most import HR trends for 2024. Unily, 2023
Case: HDPO, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Peoples.hr
HR in 2030: What does the future of HR hold? Sage.com