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9 Feb 2023

9 feb 2023

9 feb 2023


Evie Schellens


Clever inventory & the compliance in order

Insight into required qualifications of employees and their status. You’ll have everything captured in one overview with our new inventory tool. Sit back, relax and leave the compliance to us! Read more on our new inventory module down below. We all find it important that our financial services know how to handle our bank details with care, and we all find it important that our physiotherapist has the right degree to help us with our health issues. As a manager it’s therefore of major importance to keep an overview of the degrees and qualifications of your employees and the lack of these degrees and qualifications. Our new inventory tool will help you hereby!

Where is the gap?

It’s a challenge for a lot of organizations to know who does what and which degrees are needed in order to perform good at their job. Changing roles and functions result in a dynamic situation, in which it can be hard to determine if everyone still has the right qualification profile. We at Rakoo want to make this a little bit easier. That’s why the focus of our clever inventory tool is on the gap; the difference between the current knowledge and the needed knowledge of the employees.

The tool works as follows:

  1. You make an easy multiple choice questionnaire on the daily tasks of your employees. For example: ‘Do you deal with customer contact on taking out a mortgage on daily basis?’

  2. The employee answers the questions by clicking on the answers.

  3. All users follow their own path based on their given answers. These answer paths can be set in advance while making the questionnaire. By doing so, the employer can forward employees to the for them relevant questions and let them skip the irrelevant once automatically.

  4. Finally, the tool puts a qualification profile together. The qualification profile is based on the given answers and appears in the profile of the users. For example: the qualification profile of ‘Mortgage Adviser’.

Clever inventory & the compliance in order

Found the gap? What's next?

Managers will get an overview of the complete qualification profile for approval. When approved, the qualifications will be visible in the user’s profile and the system will automatically do a gap analysis. This gap analysis shows which learning activities an employee still needs to finish or do. These learning activities will automatically prepared, which saves a lot of time and everyone can directly start with acquiring their qualifications. It’s easy as that!

As a management and HR you will always have complete compliancy of your team and organization in this way. By means of this new module it’s possible to do various organization measurements. In the upcoming months we’ll work on adding more options, so you will soon be able to do skill measurements and evaluations, all with this inventory tool. Stay tuned!

Download the whitepaper 'Benefits of Online Academy' today and start growing!

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Do you want to stay up to date on learning and performance on a monthly basis?

Do you want to stay up to date on learning and performance on a monthly basis?