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19 Sept 2023

19 sep 2023

19 sep 2023


Sheron Arts

Online academy

The Road to Growth: Upskilling and Reskilling

In a constantly evolving world, "upskilling" and "reskilling" are terms that are increasingly emerging in the Learning & Development field. Both concepts are crucial for employee competency development. In this blog, we will delve deeper into what upskilling and reskilling entail and why they are essential for professional growth.

Boosting Your Team's Skills

In addition to new recruitment techniques, such as skill-based hiring, it also appears increasingly effective to manage the development of your employees with skills as the starting point. To do this effectively, it requires a new way of looking at the work of individuals within the organization. Instead of focusing on specific job titles and job descriptions, we now place much more emphasis on the skills someone possesses and the required skills for a particular role. In fact, a whopping 85% of success in the workplace stems from well-developed skills.

Rakoo's online academy is perfect for skill development. There are roughly two paths to consider: upskilling and reskilling.

Upskilling and reskilling

What is Reskilling?

When current skills become obsolete, it becomes necessary to acquire new skills that can replace the old ones. This process is called reskilling, also known as retraining. Reskilling is crucial to keep employees relevant in the dynamic job market. It enables employees to adapt to new requirements and opportunities.

What is Upskilling?

Upskilling involves learning new relevant skills in addition to existing ones. It is about strengthening, enhancing, and expanding existing skills. It's about continuous development within your current field of expertise. This way, you stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in your industry, making yourself valuable to your employer.

Why are these terms important?

In short, reskilling and upskilling are crucial for preparing individuals and organizations for the challenges of the rapidly changing job market. With Rakoo's online academy, you always have insight into skills and the return on learning. Rakoo enables you to assess the skill levels of your teams and shows you which skills your teams (need to) possess. With Rakoo's online academy, we enhance your team's skills and help your organization grow.

Curious about how Rakoo can contribute to upskilling and reskilling? Contact us and discover how Rakoo can help your organization grow towards greatness.

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